How to set-up
1. To start, you need a board that is at least 3x3 large. A plain 6x6 board works very well.
2. The players decide which color will be the "S" and which color will be the "O".
3. Players choose who goes first by any method they prefer.
How to play
1. If a player succeeds in creating an SOS, the same player immediately takes another turn, and continues to do so until no SOS can be created on their turn.
2. An easy way to keep track of the score is to have an additional score board.
3. Once a player makes an S-O-S, he places one bead of his own color on the score board.
4. To make the game more fast pace and fun, we recommend using a timer and allowing each player 20 seconds to make a move.
How to win
1. The game ends when the gameboard is full and no more S-O-S's can be made.
2. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is the winner.
3. If both players at the end of the game have the same amount of score, then the game is a draw.
Tips & tricks
1. Players take turns to place either an "S" or an "O" to any square. There is no requirement to use the same letter each turn.
2. The objective of the game is for each player to attempt to create a straight sequence S-O-S among connected squares ( It can be either diagonally, horizontally, or vertically), and to create as many such sequences as they can.
SOS is traditionally a game played with paper and pencil. It is similar to tic-tac-toe, but with some differing elements and more complexsivity.