Tsoro Yematatu


# Africa
# Simple
# three in a row
# kids
# Capture

How to set-up

1. Tsoro Yeamatatu is played on a triangular board with 7 points. Lines indicate permitted moves.

2. Each player selects 3 BEADs the colour of their choice. All beads start off the board.

3. Players decide who begins the game by rolling a die.

How to play

1. Players take turns placing a BEAD on an empty intersection trying to form a line of 3 BEADs.

2. Once all the BEADs are on the board, players can move their BEADs to an empty adjacent point following the lines indicated on the board.

3. Players can jump their BEAD over another BEAD, including their own and land on the vacant point on the other side of the BEAD.

4. There are no captures in Tsoro Yematatu.

How to win

To win the game, a player needs to form a row of 3 BEADs.


1. Tsoro Yematatu is a two-player abstract strategy game originating in Zimbabwe. It has similarities to games like Tapatan, Achi, Nine Holes, Shisima, and Tant Fant.

2. What makes this game different is its unique aspect that pieces can jump over each other (without capture). This adds an extra dimension in the maneuverability of the pieces.